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Acquired cerebral arteriovenous malformation induced by an anaplastic astrocytoma: An interesting case NEUROLOGICAL RESEARCH Harris, O. A., Chang, S. D., Harris, B. T., Adler, J. R. 2000; 22 (5): 473-477


High grade gliomas foster an environment rich in angiogenic factors that promote neovascularity. We report a case of a cerebral arteriovenous malformation, which developed in the setting of a high grade astrocytoma. The patient presented with complaints of confusion and left hemiparesis. An initial cerebral angiogram was normal. Repeat angiography six weeks later demonstrated an extremely vascular lesion with arteriovenous shunting involving the right thalamus and occipital lobe. Histopathologic evaluation of open biopsy and autopsy specimens demonstrated a high grade astrocytoma in association with an arteriovenous malformation. Immunohistochemical staining with VEGF was diffusely positive. A possible role for the hyperangiogenic environment of a high grade astrocytoma resulting in the development of an arteriovenous malformation is discussed.

View details for Web of Science ID 000088406000007

View details for PubMedID 10935219