How Infographics Can Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy

How Infographics Can Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy
Content marketing is one of the most important facets of modern businesses, as it allows brands to build relationships with customers through informative and engaging content. However, many companies are struggling with creating a consistent content production cadence that meets their needs and goal..
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How SALESmanago & Zero Party Data can help you with the new Data Privacy regulations

How SALESmanago & Zero Party Data can help you with the new Data Privacy regulations
How SALESmanago & Zero Party Data can help you with the new Data Privacy regulations, Cookieless World, and reduce your carbon footprintZero-party data is the only reasonable answer to the new privacy-first notion in eCommerce. It remains in compliance with the latest privacy regulations. Big Te..
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Live Chat & Marketing Automation for OpenCart

Live Chat & Marketing Automation for OpenCart
Live chat is an important aspect of any ecommerce site. It has grown to become a popular, and expected, feature for website visitors shopping online. Prospective customers can ask questions about products and get answers right away. Ecommerce companies can easily provide the service as a cost..
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How to Send Emails Using the Mail Feature in OpenCart 3.x

How to Send Emails Using the Mail Feature in OpenCart 3.x
In this tutorial we will show you how you can send email campaigns using the default mail feature in OpenCart 3.x. How you can send to all clients or some clients, all newsletter subscribers or a certain customer group. 
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How Start and Track a Marketing Campaign in OpenCart 3.x

How Start and Track a Marketing Campaign in OpenCart 3.x
In this OpenCart 3 tutorial we will learn how to create and track a marketing campaign.
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