Development Week (05/23/2010)

Well I'm a little late and hoped to have v1.4.8 done by now, but I needed another week. A lot more little things kept getting added than was originally planned but I think it was worth it.

I am just finishing up the new Paypal rewrite and module positioning. I will likely leave the upgrade script the way it was for 1.4.7 as I didn't have time to properly integrate it into the framework. But I think it works for the most part.

I should be finished by Thursday with all the coding and then the dev team will test it internally and by Sunday I'd like to release it.

Here is a list of ALL the fixes and new features. It is a huge list and I don't want to delay 1.4.8 any further so if it is not on this list, then save your requests for v1.4.9:


  • Coupon discount check only for flat value coupons
  • Pagination in search & specials
  • Worldpay not updating order
  • Admin Country, Zone, & Download pagination
  • Thickbox agree to terms fix on checkout payment page
  • Continue button with ajax add to cart off goes to not found
  • Division by zero if catalog/admin item limit set to 0 (tho it should not be possible)
  • UPS error scenarios weren't showing properly
  • UPS weight display at the title instead of redundantly per-rate
  • UPS Test mode confusion cleared up
  • USPS weight display at the title instead of redundantly per-rate
  • removed "source" for ckeditor to cut down filesize
  • Add $config->set('config_language', $languages[$code]['code']); to index.php
  • Changed new tables for product_tags and stuff to utf8_bin
  • Order Comments not included in email
  • Added default invoice id & prefix to install/upgrade.sql
  • Added conditional check for the admin header base path: (HTTPS_SERVER) ? HTTPS_SERVER : HTTP_SERVER;
  • restore all languages in backend even if disabled
  • replaced add to cart javascript: $('#add_to_cart').removeAttr('onclick'); to allow handling by other scripts.
  • sort arrow images were reversed
  • Perpetual Payments Test mode confusion cleared up
  • Featured limit default - add (int) to limit in model to prevent error
  • Specials fix for limit in sidebox
  • Going to wrong page while using SEO now shows error page
  • Fixed Combined Tax rate issue
  • Fixed Low Order Fee order total typo for tax setting
  • Fixed Sales tax issue for non-shipped products to use payment address
  • Install admin email not populating the user table
  • Update royal mail rates or make them editable from admin
  • Fix pp standard to use the update statuses and so that curl and fsock both use the proper "else" options.
  • Changed default success message "2-5 working days" to be more vague
  • Reordered the children for "common/header" to appear last so that document class methods can be called from within modules.
  • Fix default weight/length to default to what the setting has.
  • Bestsellers wasn't updating immediately after purchase because the cache wasn't cleared on purchase


  • Category Description Name to be longer than 32 (255)
  • SEO proper "not found" redirect
  • mail parameters field to mail tab (useful for adding authentication "-f" options and more)
  • Full Customer Details in admin
  • Manual Order Entry/Edit
  • Additional checkbox for order update (Notify = send email, Update = add history)
  • confirm delete added to admin delete/uninstall actions
  • Longer email fields (96)
  • Added product tags to bottom of product page for easy cross-referencing.
  • Auto-select first radio button for shipping or payment
  • increased contact form character count from 1000 to 3000
  • Fixed bug in thickbox js to allow use of rel tag for prev/next additional images with main image in popup
  • Show category description info even where there are no products
  • add customer email to invoice under the payment address
  • added order comments on invoice
  • moved some inline javascript to external files (ajax add to cart now in ajax_add.js)
  • moved coupon box to the payment page to allow coupons to change the possible payment options (i.e. freecheckout for 100% discount coupons)
  • Comments to order invoice
  • Counts for all tabs on product page
  • Optional checkbox to push updated downloads to all previous customers upon new version save
  • Added current download filename under the input box on admin download form
  • Options -Indexes and tpl file disallow to default .htaccess file to prevent showing directory listings
  • CSRF Fix for new admin user insert (captcha on user edit form)
  • Additional Images & Related products count added to tab on product page by default
  • Fixed LIQPAY confirm button
  • Disable Reviews option
  • Enhanced Order Email (HTML Admin emails)
  • Guest Checkout separate addresses
  • Enter key for Product filter in admin
  • Telephone number on invoice
  • Validation check to Product Copy (Daniels request)
  • Add model to the related products in product edit
  • Automatic Copyright in admin footer
  • Added MetaKeywords to products and categories
  • Added return on language load to allow simple array merge for language files
  • Added Send Newsletter By Products Purchased
  • Lots of improvements to cart sidebox (ajax delete item, all totals, view/checkout links)
  • GET method for add to cart
  • Add to cart button in all modules? small + button?
  • Stock decrease option moved to product level
  • Minimum Order Qty (per-product)
  • Product "cost" field
  • Add back default sort order
  • Individual zone/country/postcode for products
  • Cross-linked related products (relationship goes both ways now). Relating product A to B also relates B to A
  • Maintenance Mode
  • Multiple Email address for store email
  • remove/combine the Show Out of stock. Just show it when Stock checkout is no and product is out of stock
  • Add IP Address to order view
  • Paypal Standard rewrite
  • Freecheckout integrated into core.