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When is the application deadline?
What is the duration of residency program?
How many residents will be accepted into the Orthopedic Residency Program?
Does the program prepare me to take the Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS) exam after I graduate?
What level of experience should I have before applying to the Orthopedic Residency Program?
I understand that two letters of recommendation are needed. From whom do you require them to be from?
Do you utilize RF-PTCAS and is there and application fee?
Do I need to be currently licensed in the state of California?
I am a Foreign Educated (Non-CAPTE Accredited) Applicant. Can I still apply?
When will I be notified of my acceptance into the Stanford Orthopedic Residency Program?
What is the cost of the Orthopaedic Clinical Residency Program?
What is the Salary or Program Compensation?
Is an interview required as part of the application process?
Can I interview at Combined Sections Meeting?
Can I tour the facility?
How big is Stanford's facility?
Do I have to apply through Stanford's website, as well as through RF-PTCAS?
How is the mentor/resident relationship set up?
What is the difference between a primary mentor and a content mentor?
Are there multiple clinical sites?
What is the latest date I can take the National Exam (NPTE) to ensure licensure by my start date?
What is the typical timeframe for acquiring a California license?