Additional Product Info Fields(1.5.x , 2.x , 3.x & 4.x)

Additional Product Info Fields(1.5.x , 2.x , 3.x & 4.x)
TMD OpenCart Additional Product Info Fields Module

It will help you to show essential information below the product price. Like we usually see in Online Marketplace website Flipkart, Snap Deal, Amazon and other websites.

Admin can show unlimited information about the product. The module just works the same as an option. Additionally, the website also shows icons or images along with the text. It will help the website add more liable site about product and visitor will love to buy a product when they see require information about the product.

This is designed to add useful additional fields on the product page. It is fully Customizable, with It you can display Multiple Feature one by one vertically on your product page.

Add Unlimited Product Information From Admin

Admin can create many product additional information within few mins. For Admin convenience, TMD made this module just like the option. In Option Admin need to create option and in product page they need to select an option in Option Tab and assign value.

This extension works like same way. Admin can create unlimited product additional fields and assign same field to multiple products. That's where Admin can use their valuable time to product improvement or promotion.

There is an option to add show image with value. Admin can enable or disable image to the specific field value. Additional field information will display exactly the same. Product page can have as many required fields listed as required. It will show perfectly without breaking any design.

Add unlimited additional information

Show image or icon with text
Easy and simple to use admin interface
Multi-language compatible
Show information vertically
Works great in Journal and other themes

Show More Information Of Product Like Amazon, Flipkart And SnapDeal

Additional Product Info Fields Extension will create a new section below to product price. Where essential information like brand, size, color, and other things can be shown.

Till now the website shows useful information inside description or in new information Tab. Which makes harder to find and read. Also, it takes your customer time. That's where your websites lose profitable sales.

All information is manageable from admin. A new tab called "Extra Fields" will be used to add additional information while created product

Multi language Compatible

Module is 100% compatible with multi-language. When more than 1 language uses Than in Admin, Module gives the option to enter text in multiple language tab. It will make the option to enter information multiple language tabs.

In the front end, Your customer will see and read information according to the selected language.

Sometimes the website uses non-english language as their primary language. Module still works great. It will show the language flag and let you enter information in that language.

Perfectly Work With All Themes

Module is tested with many famous themes. Journal, Shoppica, Fastor, Sellya are some name of themes. After installation of the extension. A new section will be added to the theme where information will start showing. Module will take default theme text color. Module is working seamlessly.

If you are using a custom theme made specifically for your website. Still, our module will work. Additional fields information Text color will use default theme color. Image or icon size will be smaller.

Supports OpenCart 2.x , 3.x & 4.x versions

OpenCart Additional Product Info Fields extension is created for and tested on OpenCart versions 2.x , 3.x & 4.x Module are test up to latest version Also tested with Cloud version. Unit test used for testing.

Module uses OCMOD. Which means there is no core file changes or replacement. All the changes will apply on runtime using xml. Installation is too easy. Just need to upload a zip file. Do modification refresh. You are done.

It also work on lower version 1.5.x. If your website running in lower version than this module work on your website.

Help increasing Sale by Adding Trust To Product

Showing information below product price, Customer can read them and it will increase their interest to know more about the product and probably add a product to their cart.

According to research, More you display useful information about the product. There will be more chance to get your visitor engaged in your product. Because, before buying the product everyone takes time to read information about the product, and then make the decision to buy.

This module will help you do the same. It will add up some trust level to your website, and the visitor will think the website is selling a genuine product.

Got pre-sale question or having question about support. Please create a ticket. We will help you to get it working.

What customers say about Additional Product Info Fields(1.5.x , 2.x , 3.x & 4.x)

Perfect Support, Great Extension, Great Work


  • Developed by OpenCart Partner
  • 6 Months Free Support
  • Documentation Included


Compatibility,,,,,,,,,,, 4.x.x.x,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.5.6,,,,,,,,

Last Update
9 Feb 2024

18 Mar 2016
99 Sales
Member since: 15 Jan 2013

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