OC1.5 - Improved Admin Order List (AJAX)

OC1.5 - Improved Admin Order List (AJAX)

Opencart is great to setup a multistore where different webstore fronts share 1 backend administration. But the default admin order list is limited in functionality. There is no distinction between orders from the different stores, the invoice number is not displayed, and although the order status is displayed, it's not possible to edit the order status directly on the order list. Untill now...

The Improved Admin Order List extension will improve the admin order list with several functionalities:

  • Display order invoice number (with sort & filter functionality)
  • Display store name (with sort & filter)
  • Display customer's company name (for professional B2B customers)
  • Generate invoice number from the order list
  • Alter invoice prefix and invoice number from the order list
  • Update order status from the order list and optionally email the customer about the status update
  • All added functions are AJAX-calls, so no need to leave or refresh the page

AJAX Order Status updates
Instead of having to go inside the order page and navigate to the 'Order History' tab, select the appropriate new order status and clicking the 'Add History' button, now you can do this from the order list.

Simply click on the order status field, and the text will be replaced by the familiar drop-down menu with the available order statuses. Now select the appropriate new order status and automatically the new status will be added to the order status history. Optionally, you can check the 'Notify customer' checkbox if you want to send out an email notifying the customer about the status update.

AJAX Generate Invoice number
By default you have to go inside the order page and generate the invoice number from there.
With this extension you can generate an invoice number from the order list, which is more convenient.

AJAX Alter Invoice prefix & Invoice number
Out-of-the-box, Opencart has no built-in functionality to alter the invoice number or prefix once it is generated. With this extension you can easily change the invoice number and even invoice prefix from the order list. This is ideal for situations where your business also writes out invoices for sales or services that are not related to the webshop(s) but still want to retain consecutive invoice numbers for both online and offline invoices.

Try it for yourself!

user/pwd: demo/demo

Easy one file vQmod installation
Installing is very easy, just drop the .xml file into the vqmod/xml folder on your webhost.
No core files are overwritten.

  • Developed by OpenCart Community
  • Documentation Included


1.5.4,,, 1.5.6,,,,

Last Update
10 Aug 2022

29 Dec 2014
Jorim van Hove
Jorim van Hove
Member since: 19 Jun 2013

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