OpenCart Purchase Order Management

OpenCart Purchase Order Management
OpenCart Purchase Order Management allows the admin to manage Purchase orders. With the help of this extension, the admin can maintain complete purchase records like which products he has purchased from which suppliers, at what price and the quantity.

The most helpful feature of this module is inventory management based on Purchase Orders for an e-commerce store with a sales order. This extension lets the admin control the business purchases.

It is easy to use and user-friendly module. Also, the admin can easily manage the supplier Ledger and keep track of the profit and loss indulge in the purchase order.


Managing the demand and supply of a product is a huge task. If you have a catalog where products are shipped to you by different suppliers then the Openacrt Purchase Order will ease your work.

As a store owner, you need to keep track of a lot of things. Like, which product, what quantity when to order and from which supplier. It is really hard to manage all this information.

With the help of the Opencart Purchase Order module, you can manage and track all this information in one place and in a very easy way.


  • Enter the default purchase order prefix.
  • Select the Procurement Methods as Make to Order or Make to Stock.
  • Enter the Default Quotation Quantity for the purchase order.
  • The admin can enable to generate the purchase order automatically whenever the customer places the order.
  • Can set the order status for which the purchase order will generate from the front-end.
  • Set the Email Id for the purchase order.
  • The admin can set the low stock quantity for the automatic generation of the purchase order.
  • Automatic generation of the purchase order whenever the product quantity becomes zero after placing the order.
  • The admin can easily manage inventory with the help of this module.
  • The Email Template for both the admin and the supplier on modifications of the purchase order.
  • The admin can configure the shipping and payment methods.
  • Manage the supplier’s payment method.
  • The admin can add a new supplier and manage the entire records of the existing ones.
  • Multiple Products can assign to a Supplier.
  • The admin can create a new Quotation by entering the relevant details like Supplier Name, Shipping Method and mode of payment, etc.
  • Edit the details of the items and even remove the Ordered Items from the Quotation and Purchase Orders.
  • The admin can manage the Entire Purchase Order Records.
  • Create the bulk Purchase orders from the Order List panel.
  • The admin can Purchase the entire Quantity of Products at once or can Purchase them Partially.
  • The admin can schedule the shipment of the products according to his requirements.
  • Easy to manage the supplier Ledger.
  • The admin can see the profit and loss of the purchase on under the Supplier Ledger List.
  • Multi-Lingual Support.


After the successful installation of the module, the admin can configure the module from the back-end.

Also, the admin can manage the email settings along with the shipping settings and the payment settings.

The admin can add more shipping methods for the purchase order as per requirement under the configuration.

Similarly, they can add more payment methods as required.

The admin can manage the supplier’s payment method. They can add, delete or changes the status of the supplier’s payment methods.

The admin can add a new supplier by entering the relevant information about the supplier. Like Company Name, Email Address, Owner Name, Phone number, etc.

The products can also be added to the supplier by the admin.

The admin can view the list of all the quotations and also can add a new quotation.

The admin can modify the quotation information by clicking. They can change the quotation status, modify the details of the ordered items like Supplier Cost, Ordered Quantity, Tax(%), etc.

The admin can also see the list of all the suppliers under the supplier ledger. They can pay to the supplier and see the profit and loss of indulges in the purchase order.

Some Moments Of Appreciation

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  • Developed by OpenCart Partner
  • 3 Months Free Support
  • Documentation Included



Last Update
20 Dec 2023

21 Dec 2017
32 Sales
Member since: 21 Oct 2012

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