The Date & Time Picker with Print v 1.1 - Shipping Module

The Date & Time Picker with Print v 1.1 - Shipping Module
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I have fixed the bug and released D & T Shipping Module v.1.1 and tested again on OC 1.5.4 Default theme & OC 1.5.6 Default Theme and it works great.

If you are using some other than default theme you may want to add this line in catalog - shipping_method.tpl " <b><?php echo $text_specificdate; ?></b>" right above the below code. ( If original doesn't work.)

"<td><?php if ($quote['code'] == 'specificdate.specificdate') { ?>
Select a Date:<input type="text" name="specificdate" id="specificdate" style="text-align:center;"
value="" /> "

As is it will work for default theme. I'm sorry for any inconvenience.

The Date & Time Picker with Print Shipping Module! creates a new shipping method and allows people to choose their own delivery date & time from a pop out calendar during the checkout process. The date & time chosen by the customer is displayed in the order invoice in the admin panel and its also included in the email to the store owner.

Date & Time Picker with Print Shipping Module! uses JQuery UI to display the pop out calendar, this creates an easy and fool proof way of obtaining the delivery date from the user.

UPDATE by "ThePath": I have now made it so previous dates are not selectable.

You can stop weekends being selected by tweaking the code slightly by changing line 26 of template/checkout/shipping.tpl to:

$('#specificdate').datepicker({dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', minDate:1, beforeShowDay: $.datepicker.noWeekends});

Change the date format like so:

$('#specificdate').datepicker({dateFormat: 'D, dd M yy', minDate:1});

If You Are Using Other than Default Theme.

You have to update 2 files in YOURTHEME. Those are ...



Copy all the text from this MOD "checkout.tpl" and "shipping_method.tpl" and paste in YOURTHEME files.

I would like a favour from you guys, please visit me on youtube for great music.

My Youtube channel is

I hope you like my work!

Thank You.


  • Developed by OpenCart Community
  • Documentation Included


1.5.4, 1.5.6

Last Update
3 Jul 2015

17 Jan 2014
Member since: 13 Jan 2014

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