How to Start Social Commerce with OpenCart Store

How to Start Social Commerce with OpenCart Store?

When social media platforms are used to create a more personalized and targeted in-app shopping experience for customers, it is referred to as social media commerce. Simply put, it integrates eCommerce features into social media platforms.

When customers are pleased with your product or service, social media makes it simple for them to share and recommend it. Social media, by its very nature, is a place where content spreads quickly. As a result, these channels play a critical role in your word-of-mouth marketing.

Facebook business retail store pages, where users can browse and shop without leaving the platform, or buy buttons on Twitter and Pinterest are examples of social commerce platforms and sites.

Many people are unsure if social eCommerce will benefit their company. In fact, it has a slew of business advantages for your company.

OpenCart is a free open-source eCommerce platform with a lot of customization options. It offers a powerful administrator dashboard that shows you vital indicators like sales, customers, and more at a glance.

With its broad range of data and data, OpenCart makes it simple to determine how healthy your business is. You may tailor the reports to your company's specific requirements.

Best Social Commerce Platform for Opencart eCommerce Stores:

Instagram Shop

For every firm trying to sell things on Instagram, Instagram Shop is a great opportunity. With Instagram Shop, companies can build a list of shoppable items that can be accessed straight from their Instagram profile – and have access to a wealth of product discovery opportunities.

Whatsapp Integration

Allow consumers to interact with you via live chat on WhatsApp. Customers may use WhatsApp chat to ask questions and receive immediate answers to such questions. Customers may choose from a variety of help agents based on their member kinds and talk with them about their issues. Connect your online store to WhatsApp, the popular messaging app.

Group Buying

Group buying is an activity in which a large number of shoppers join forces online to negotiate with merchants for lower prices on products. Pinduoduo is a well-known Chinese social commerce platform where customers can form teams and save money.

Livestream Shopping

Retailers, influencers, and celebrities sell items and services using online video streaming, with the presenter displaying and explaining the offering as well as addressing audience queries in real-time.

Multi-Level Marketing

Grow and profit as your affiliate network grows, and keep track of your network marketing efforts. It allows you to manage affiliates on several levels (parents and sub-affiliates) (children). From the backend, the admin may control the tree view. As their network expands, affiliates can receive incentives for their first child affiliate and continue to earn incentives for the affiliate's tree-level completion. All of the bonuses received by affiliates may be viewed and approved by the admin. Enable referral marketing features with OpenCart multi-level marketing.


The admin can integrate the store with Facebook shop and offer store products on Facebook using Facebook Shop. Increase sales by using Facebook features such as redirecting customers to the checkout page when they click to check out a product. As a result, the cart abandonment rate is lower and the click-through rate is higher. Sync your product catalog by integrating your eCommerce store with the OpenCart Facebook shop.

Why Use Social Commerce with an OpenCart Store?

Because billions of people use social media commerce, it has become a lucrative market for many businesses. Social commerce with opencart must be incorporated into the business strategy of companies that want to remain competitive in an increasingly digital era.

Social media commerce with opencart, when used correctly, can increase brand awareness, customer satisfaction, and sales. Here are a few of the many ways it can help your company grow:

It makes it possible to create more focused marketing

The majority of social media commerce platforms offer tools and insights for businesses to collect and analyze consumer data. Brands can use them to target ads to specific demographics. Ad settings, for example, can be changed so that ads for baby products appear primarily in mothers' newsfeeds.

Improved Search Engine Positioning

More than simply direct sales can result from social media engagement. It has been proved that using social media to sell products improves traffic to your website, which in turn affects your search engine rating.

More Genuine interaction and traffic

As previously said, aggressively striving to increase your social media following is an excellent first step toward converting visitors. One of the most important advantages of social commerce is the increased engagement and reach that companies can get when they post information. People that interact with a firm on a regular basis are more inclined to suggest it.

Customer Retention And Loyalty

You want to sell and advertise your products/services, but you also want to establish positive relationships with people when you use social commerce for your business. A corporation may create and sustain connections with prospects by taking advantage of this chance to connect with them. As a result, consumers who are happy/satisfied with your service are more likely to be consumers who purchase from you again. Make sure to treat first-time consumers just as well as regular customers — they're both crucial!

It adds a new dimension to shopping

Social commerce is more interactive than buying directly from a company's website. Users can easily ask their friends for product recommendations by tagging them in posts. They can also read other people's reviews to see if a product is worth purchasing. They can also interact directly with brands and receive more personalized services.

Social Media Metrics for Business

Any aspect of your business marketing should be able to be evaluated to see if the results yielded a positive return on investment. Starting a campaign that you won't be able to track or evaluate is a waste of time and money. The goal you choose should be in line with the company's key performance indicators (KPIs).

If you have any queries or requirements regarding Social Commerce, then you can mail us at so that our team can assist you in better terms.