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What We Offer For Stroke

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To schedule an appointment, call:

Palo Alto: 650-723-6469

Pleasanton: 925-263-5588

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Treatment Planning Process

Treatment Overview

Stroke In Young People
What is the average age for stroke?
How do stroke symptoms in young people differ from those in older people?
How do the causes of stroke in young people differ from those in the older age group?
How is stroke treatment different in young people?
Is stroke recovery different in young people than in older people?
How can young people reduce their risk for stroke? Is there an identified genetic risk?
Stanford Stroke Experts Advance Recognition of Stroke in Young People
Ryan Kennedy, 29, was airlifted to Stanford so experts here could treat his stroke. The condition is unusual in people his age. Not until doctors showed him a scan of his brain did Kennedy believe what was happening to him. When his first symptoms appeared—sudden dizziness, one-sided facial droop, and inability to speak clearly—he didn’t know what to think. Quick treatment saves brain function after a stroke—Kennedy is back to work and the active life he had before the stroke. Learn more about the Stanford Stroke Center:

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