Add to Cart Redirect to Affiliate/External Link (Buy Now)

Add to Cart Redirect to Affiliate/External Link (Buy Now)

The "Add to Cart Redirect to Affiliate Link" extension allows you to change the "Add To Cart" button into a "Buy Now" button that bypasses the Cart and redirects to an affiliate (external) link. You can give the Buy Now button any name that you like, for example "Visit Website", "Click Here", etc. You can even have have different names for different affiliate products, i.e. you can have one button saying "Buy Now" for one product and "Visit Website" for another product. Better yet, you can have both regular and affiliate products on the same site. Please read/watch the installation instructions so as to ensure that you set up the extension correctly. VQMOD is required for OpenCart version 4. Please note that it has only been tried with the Default theme and may not work with other themes. NOTE: The extension DOES NOT support the Journal themes.


  • Allows you to change the "Add To Cart" button into a "Buy Now" button that bypasses the Cart and redirects to an affiliate link
  • The Redirect Link button can be called anything you want (eg. Buy Now, Visit Website, Click Here, etc.)
  • Your Redirection Link buttons can have different names for different affiliate products, if you so desire (simply put, they don't all have to say "Buy Now" or whatever you choose)
  • The ability to have both regular and affiliate products on the same site
  • Adds a "Redirection" column in the Products List section of the Admin area that lets you know which products are redirected
  • Adds a "Total Products" card section above the "Filter" card on the Products List page in the Admin area
  • Adds a "Redirection Link" and "Redirection Button Name" row to the "Links" tab when adding new products or editing current products


NOTE: An installation video is available at
These instructions are also included in the zip file.

(1) Unzip the contents of the zip file.
(2) FTP or upload the admin, catalog, and vqmod directories located in the "upload" directory to your website's root directory. If asked to overwrite files, choose yes.
(3) Log into the backend using your admin username and password.
(4) Go to Extensions -> Installer and click on the blue upload button located at the top right corner of the page.
(5) Locate where you uzipped the zip file and select the file found in the extension directory.
(6) After upload has completed, the extension will appear under "Installed Extensions" on the same page.
(7) Click on the green button located under "Action" to install the extension.
(8) Go to System -> Users -> User Groups and click the blue Edit button for Administrator.
(9) Under the Permissions section, ensure that both boxes are ticked for "extension/redirect".
(10) Under the Extension section, ensure that both boxes are ticked for "extension/a2credirect/redirect/redirect".
(11) Click the blue Save button at the top of the User Groups page.
(12) Go to Extensions -> Extensions and select "Add2Cart Redirect(1)" from the "Choose the extension type" drop-down box.
(13) Scroll down a little and you will see a "Add2Cart Redirect" heading with Redirect Name "Add2Cart Redirect" and Status "Disabled".
(14) Click on the green button located under "Action" to install the extension.
(15) Click the blue Edit button and click on the grey Status switch to enable the extension (switch will turn blue), then click the blue Save button at the top of the page. Then click the arrow button beside the Save button to go back to the Extensions page.
(16) You will now see the extension as "Enabled". Installation is now complete.

NOTE: If your site is in Maintenance Mode, do the following:

(1) Go to System > Settings
(2) Click on the "Edit" button of your store.
(3) Select the "Server" tab and scroll down.
(4) Set the "Maintenance Mode" option to "No"


A usage tutorial video is available at

Support Services

If you have any issues with our extensions, have any queries, need us to install the script for you, or need customized solutions, please contact us via our Support Center.


  • Developed by OpenCart Community
  • Documentation Included



Last Update
6 Oct 2023

10 Jul 2023
0 Sales
Member since: 12 Sep 2015

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