Abandoned Cart

Abandoned Cart
Overview of TMD OpenCart Abandoned Cart Email and SMS Reminder
It provides the solution to store owners to send a reminder email and SMS to a customer who added the products to the cart but did not complete their purchase. Thus this extension motivates the customer to complete their order. It helps store owners recover lost sales.
There is a dashboard page where the admin can see the overview of abandoned carts such as the number of orders, order total, number of products, customers, etc. It lets the admin create the email template and integrate the SMS. The admin can make a funnel to send automatic emails and SMS to customers with discount coupons.
You can track how many customers completed their order after sending the abandoned cart extension reminder email and sms.

*Dashboard Page →

Here you will get the summary of abandoned carts till today. You will get the order count, the total amount of all the abandoned orders, products, and customers, how many coupons were used, the total number of emails or sms sent to customers, etc. It shows essential insights like registered customers and guest users leaving the products in the cart and their order's total amount.

*Get Complete Information About Abandoned Cart →
Admin gets the list of abandoned carts and its information like customer detail, product list, order information, and other details. It gives clear insight to the admin to understand why and which customers have higher and lower abandoned orders.

Send the Email and SMS to All Customers or Specific Customers →
There are two options either First, the admin can send all the customers who abandoned their orders. Select the customer group and send a reminder email and sms to that customer who belongs to the selected customer type. This way admin can send a well-designed company and track the order conversion.

Automated Email And SMS campaign →

Admin can create multiple funnels with different templates and delay days that will send the campaign one time or keep repeating. It makes the campaign in automation mode. The module will send emails and SMS to all the customers who have abandoned carts.

Integrate the Mobile SMS API →
It is easy to configure the SMS api with this extension. You just need the keys and change the status to enable. This module will check its status and send the sms to customers.

Create Effective Email and SMS Templates with Shortcodes →
This abandoned cart extension comes with a pre-built template. Admin can also create the new email template and SMS. Use the shortcodes to make the content of email and SMS dynamic and personalized. Add the order detail, product list and checkout page link.

Boost Sales with Discounts and Coupons →
Admin can add the coupon code in the email and SMS to encourage customers to complete their abandoned order. Either admin can generate the new coupons or take the existing coupon code.

Filter Customer Abandoned Cart Reports →
It has a filter and Filter and searches customer reports by name, email, email notifications, etc. to drill down and get the intended report. Admin can various reports using the filters such as customer-wise, product-wise, abandoned cart notification send or not, etc.

Personalized Remarketing Campaigns →
Admin can craft personalized abandoned order email and SMS campaigns to target the customer segments. It connects with customer emotion and gets better results. Ultimately improve the sale graph.

Effortlessly Install and Use →
Easy installation process with compatibility for OpenCart 2.x and 3.x versions, suitable for all themes.

Enhance User Experience →
The OpenCart abandoned cart module Improves customer satisfaction by providing a convenient and personalized shopping experience.

Q. Can I customize the email and SMS templates with my own branding and promotional messages?
Ans: Yes, OpenCart Abandoned Cart extension allows store owners to customize their email and SMS templates using shortcodes. With more than 20 shortcodes available, store owners can insert customer data, order details, and promotional messages to create engaging and personalized emails and SMS messages.

Q. Can I send an automated email and sms remarketing campaign with this module?
Ans: Yes, the extension allows store owners to set up a series of automated email remarketing messages that will be sent to customers automatically after a given number of days. These emails can include personalized content and promotional messages, encouraging customers to return to their cart and complete their purchase. 

Q. Q: How to install the Abandoned Cart Module In OpenCart
Ans: : 1. Download the module zip file from the website.
2. Login into the Admin panel. Navigate to the Extension menu and click on the Extension installer sub-menu.
3. Now upload the module zip file to install it on your website. After a few seconds, you will get a success message.
4. After that navigate to Extension and click on the Modification sub-menu. You must refresh the modification in order to get the abandoned cart module to work.
5. Abandoned Cart menu will appear on the left menu panel. Navigate to the Abandoned cart page. If you get permission-related issues. Go to a User group, and select your user group(most probably administrator). Select all in the Files access and modify files section and save it. You will get rid of the permission issue.
6. It's time to configure the module. Setting up email and SMS template, Enter the SMS api provider information, email sms funnel.  

Q: Is it possible to personalize the email and SMS templates with my own brand?
Ans: Certainly. The administrator has the ability to create multiple email and SMS templates that align with your website's appearance, logo, name, footer note, and tone of voice to match your branding and messaging. 

For any questions and suggestions, you are most welcome to contact us. If you have any kind of question or looking for support. Please create a ticket.

What customers say about Abandoned Cart

TMD. Always the best and excellent support The extension is very cool with multiple options in notifications
Easy to install - however - following installing my customers had trouble placing orders on our opencart website. This extension seems to duplicate incoming orders coming through whilst customers get errors and think order hasn't been sent. Order stays in their cart as well and I have to clear their cart. I have removed this extension as it caused problems.
Extension Works Great. I etremely love this team support to make my sms message to be works. I also purchase 2 more extension from this team becasue of their team support.


  • Developed by OpenCart Partner
  • 6 Months Free Support
  • Documentation Included


Compatibility,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4.x.x.x,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Last Update
12 Feb 2024

19 Mar 2016
411 Sales
Member since: 15 Jan 2013

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